Welcome to Room Nineteen's Blog page. Room Nineteen is a Year 3 class at Botany Downs Primary School in Howick, Auckland, New Zealand. The teachers are Mrs McIntosh and Mrs Muir. Keep updated with news from Room Nineteen by becoming a follower of our blog. Mrs Muir had a baby in August so we are lucky to have Mrs Schwalger instead. Then in term 4 Mrs McIntosh is helping Mrs Johnston, so we have another lovely teacher, called Miss McCarra.
27 April 2012
ANZAC Story- The Donkey Man
Room 19 have been discussing ANZAC day and why we celebrate and remember the soldiers that died and fought for our country in the war.
Room 19 especially enjoyed listening to the story 'The Donkey Man' by Glyn Harper and enjoyed retelling this story in their own words.
A few children were chosen by Mrs McIntosh to read their writing to Room 15 (who were very impressed!).
The Donkey Man By P.P
A donkey lived on a farm in Greece. It had a mean driver who treated the donkey badly. The driver whacked the donkey if it was too slow. The donkeys worked in Gallipoli. They carried water for the soldiers and also the driver would whack the donkey if it spilt the water. One day the donkey decided to run away while the driver was having a cup of tea. The donkey ran and kicked him then ran away but ... the donkey was very hungry! There was no food! The next day a soldier called to the donkey. There was something in his hand, it was food! The soldier said “you are just what I need” and he tied a rope around the donkey’s neck and took the donkey with him. They had to carry wounded soldiers to Anzac Cove. One day Richard got sick, the donkey missed him. When Richard got better the donkey was proud, then the soldiers had to go and the donkey had a new farm. It had to work but it wasn’t hard.
The Donkey Man By S.B
A donkey lived on a farm. His driver was very mean because whenever he spilled water the donkey would get smacked seven times. One day the driver was pouring a cup of coffee and the donkey was not tied up so he kicked him and off went the donkey. The donkey said “I would rather be smacked than very hungry” but on the way back to his driver the donkey met a man. His name was Richard Henderson, so he took the donkey with him and this is what he did with Richard. Well Richard helped the sore soldiers and the donkey had sore soldiers on his back but the donkey felt this sticky stuff going down his back, it was blood. Then one day they had to go because too many soldiers died. They went on a boat to an island and Richard gave him to another person on the island and they lived on a farm so the donkey was a helper.
The Donkey Man By C.H
A donkey was on a farm in Greece. He got sent to carry water to the soldiers fighting in the war. The driver was mean and whacked the donkey when he spilled the water. He kicked the driver and ran away but he got hungry. He found a friend called Richard Henderson. They worked as a team. They helped people in the war. The donkey carried three people each day. Sadly they had to leave because too many people died. The donkey went to a farm. He made some new friends.
The Donkey Man By M.M
One day in Greece there was a donkey. A driver took the donkey to a place and if the donkey spilled some water then the driver would whack the donkey. When the driver was drinking the donkey kicked him with his hooves and ran away. He found a little bit of grass to eat so he decided to go back, but on his way he met Richard Henderson and he took him to the war. They were partners. Whenever there was a hurt soldier the man put a bandage on the bit that was bleeding and then they would take them to the beach. It was hard work. When there was not many people left Richard put the donkey on a boat and he took him to a farm and he had animal friends and the kids liked him. The jobs were easy. He missed Richard Henderson.
The Donkey Man By A.E
Donkey was on a farm in Greece. Donkey got sent to Gallipoli on the 25th April to carry water to help soldiers in the war. Sometimes he spilt the water so his driver used to whack him with a hard stick that hurt him a lot, so he decided to run away. His driver was pouring a hot cup of tea or coffee so he kicked his driver hard then he quickly ran away then by night he was very hungry then he said what can I do? Stay here and starve or go back to my driver. I will go back to my driver so he did then he met a man called Richard Alexander Henderson. He was very kind and caring about other soldiers so he gave me a biscuit with jam. He went to war, it was disgusting because he saw so many soldiers dying not only from their side, well from the German side too. Well even they got sick so donkey goes to the soldiers that are sick and Richard Henderson rubs water where the soldiers are bleeding. It was a very hard job for donkey. Richard Henderson got sick. Donkey felt very sad. Well then he came back. Donkey was so happy then he had to leave to another farm. Donkey had a new owner. He said his work was quite easy. He made other friends with other animals. Donkey never forgot this.
The Donkey Man By W.H
One day in Greece a group of donkeys got taken by a soldier to Gallipoli for war. One donkey had to carry water. It was scary and the water was so heavy. If he spilt some water the driver would whack him seven times. One day when the driver went to pour a cup of tea the donkey kicked the driver and ran away. He was hungry. He was tired. The next morning he woke up. He went back. When he was trotting along he saw a soldier. He was called Richard Henderson. He said “you’re just what I need.” His job was to carry other soldiers on their side. They normally carried three soldiers a day. Many soldiers died so they had to leave. They couldn’t take the donkey with them. Sadly the donkey had a new owner. He went to a farm. He had an easy job and friends.
1 April 2012
House Antics!

On Friday the 23rd of March everyone came to school wearing their house t-shirts and participated in house activites. Blake had to come with wild hair! Hillary came with awesome hats! Batten made paper planes and Sheppard decorated large letters spelling our their house name. Everyone is looking forward to the next House Activity Day.
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